Buying a rooftop tent that you'll mount to the top of your vehicle for all sorts of upcoming adventures can be an exciting process. When you shop at a retailer that carries a wide selection of these tents, you'll find products in all sorts of different sizes and with a multitude of features. It's important to take your time and evaluate a number of different tents so that you can buy the right one for your needs. As you assess different models, you should pay attention to the tent material itself. You'll want to choose a tent made of a material that possesses these attributes.


A lot of vehicle rooftop tents use material that has anti-rip properties, which is a desirable feature that you'll likely appreciate many times over the lifespan of the tent. The last thing that you'd want is to accidentally tear the tent because of something sharp making contact with it. A torn tent would allow dampness and cold air to enter until you're able to adequately repair the rip, which would be a hassle if the rip were to occur early in a trip. While it's still important to keep sharp objects away from the tent's material, you'll be a lot more confident in a tent that has anti-rip properties.


You should also look for a rooftop tent that is rated as UV-resistant. A tent that doesn't have this rating is susceptible to damage from the sun's rays. Over time, the tent's color may fade and the material itself could begin to break down. This type of damage could prematurely leave you shopping for a new tent. You won't have this concern when you buy a rooftop tent that has UV-resistant material, nor will you need to worry about where you park and set up the tent. Even in an area that gets direct exposure to the sun, you can be confident that the tent's material will hold up.


It's also important to ensure that your tent is resistant to flames. This is the case for many models. While you should never light a candle in a tent, it may be exposed to heat sources in other ways. For example, if you have a campfire a short distance from your parked vehicle, a gust of wind could cause sparks to fly toward the tent. When the material is flame-resistant, you don't need to worry about the sparks causing any damage. Learn more about vehicle rooftop tents at your local supplier.
