If you are going to be doing renovations to your home, there are some improvements that can save your wallet. Plumbing renovations that help to save energy and water are a good choice to improve your home when you are doing renovations. You may want to consider things like low-consumption faucets and other plumbing fixtures. Here are some of the options you may want to consider for more efficient plumbing to save you money.

1. Lower Your Water Consumption with New Faucet Heads

One of the biggest areas where water can be lost in your home is a faucet. They may be left dripping or turned on just to rinse something. This can cause a lot of water to go down the drain. To stop this, you can have all the faucets in your home replaced with low-flow faucet heads that have a lower amount of water coming out of them. This can be done with things like sinks, baths, and showers.

2. Improve Water Consumption with Gray Water and a Low-Flow Toilet

The toilet is another area where a lot of water gets wasted. Older toilets can use several gallons with each flush. If you want to reduce your water consumption, you may want to consider replacing the toilet with a model that has a much lower consumption rate. In addition, you may also want to consider adding a filtration system for gray water, which can take water from appliances and sinks, and then use it for flushing the toilet.

3. Plumbing Manifolds to Help Save Energy and Reduce Water Consumption

Plumbing manifolds are a more modern plumbing solution that are commonly installed in new homes. These are systems that take water directly from hot-water heaters and the cold-water lines. This can help to reduce water consumption and save energy. If you have to do major renovations to the plumbing in your home, you may want to consider a plumbing manifold system.

4. Reduce Wear of Mechanical Systems with the Installation of Water-Softener Filtration

Wear of mechanical systems can also contribute to energy consumption as well as plumbing repair costs. A simple solution for this is to have a water-softener system installed in your home. These are filtration systems that remove mineral content from the water, making it healthier and less harsh on the mechanical systems in your home.

These are some of the options that you may want to consider for renovations that can help you save money. If you are ready for some of these plumbing improvements in your home, contact a plumbing contractor and talk with them about some of these solutions.
