If you really want to get in the holiday spirit this year, you should hang up Christmas lights. The best type of Christmas lights to hang up are LED lights because they are bright, long-lasting, and energy efficient. Here are three tips that will help you create a great holiday feeling around your home.

#1 Decide Where The Focal Point Should Be

The first thing you need to do is decide what part of your yard you want to be your focal point. This should be the area of your yard where you want to put the most lights and where you want to draw people's attention. It is kind of like the main subject in a painting; although you may look at the entire painting quickly, the main subject is where your eye is drawn.

For example, you could make your front door your focal point and put lights all around the entry way and put a lighted-up wreath on the door. Then, you could put up a light up Santa and a pile of presents on either side of the door, and put lights in the all the trees right by the front entrance. This will draw the eye of people passing by to your front door and will create a focal point. 

Your focal point doesn't have to be the entrance to your home though. It could also be somewhere in your yard. For example, if you have a pond, you could put lights all around the pond to outline it and highlight it. Then, you could put lights around the benches and accessories by your pond and top it off with some blow-up, light-up figures such as a snowman or some reindeer. 

The key is to select one area where you want to focus your lights. This will give your yard a cohesive feel even though you'll spread lights around your entire yard.

#2 Figure Out Which Surfaces To Hang Lights On

Once you figure out where you want your focal point to be, you need to figure out what background lights you want to put up. These lights should all be one uniform color. The purpose of these lights is to add light to the entire yard and to frame the picture that you are creating with your focal point.

Some typical places to put lights include around your gutter; around your eaves; outlining your windows and doors; wrapped around pillars, posts, and your deck railing; or outlining your walkway. 

Select the areas that will be easy for you to access and that will outline your focal point.

#3 Measure

Once you decide where you want lights, you are going to need to measure and figure out how many lights you need. This may not be an exact science, but it will help you choose the lights that you need. 

For example, if you are putting lights around your windows and doors, measure the length of them. Or if you are putting lights around your walkway, measure its length. Use these measurements to pick out the appropriate length strands for your lighting job.

Choose Lights That Last

Finally, make sure that you purchase lights that will last. LED holiday lights have a slightly blurry but bright tint that look great around houses and on snowy lawns. They are also incredibly long lasting, so the Christmas lights that you purchase this year should be able to adorn your house for years to come. To top it off, they don't take that much energy so even if you go crazy with them, they will not raise your energy costs nearly as much as regular holiday lights will. 

Have a peek at this site to learn more about your LED lighting options.
