If you live in a cold-weather climate and are like most people, you will never give thought to the idea that you could ever grow bananas right in your own backyard. However, the Musa Basjoo banana tree is one plant that easily thrives in cold weather and warm weather climates alike. Thankfully, these cold-hardy banana plants are easy to obtain as they are available for order through various online retailers. However, to see your banana tree thrive, you have to make sure you give it the proper start. Here are a few tips to help you see success with growing your Musa Basjoo banana tree.

Start the plant in the active growing season. 

Depending on what area of the country you live in, there is a season in which plants should go in the ground to have the greatest chance of healthy survival, and with the Musa Basjoo banana tree, it will be no different. For example, if you live in an area where planting normally takes place with other plants and flowers in early spring, you will need to follow suit with your banana tree. Starting your tree in the growing season will ensure it is given enough time to grow strong enough to withstand the cooler temperatures when they settle in. 

Get familiar with what a healthy Musa Basjoo bulb looks like. 

Because you will likely be ordering your banana tree online, you need to know how to tell if you are getting a healthy Musa Basjoo bulb. The bulb is the starting base of your tree and must be as healthy as possible when it goes into the ground to see a good outcome. As soon as your banana tree bulb arrives, pull it from its packaging and inspect it for signs of deterioration, such as mold or an overly soft density. If you find the bulb to be unhealthy, contact the distributor for a replacement. 

Use mulch for moisture retention and cold protection. 

Once your banana tree starts to emerge through the ground, it is time to start thinking about keeping it adequately protected. Mulch will be highly important for your banana tree for a few different reasons. One, the mulch harnesses moisture well beyond watering to continually deliver water to the roots of the plant. Two, mulch will keep your plants root system protected when the weather starts to turn cool. This is especially important in areas where the temperatures tend to dip lower through the night. 

Keep these tips in mind and talk with banana tree suppliers, like Martha Monroe, for more tips and information. 
