If you need to have your home's carpets cleaned, your first thought might be to rent a steam cleaner or even to buy an inexpensive model. However, these almost never work as well as you would hope and aren't as inexpensive as they seem at first (once you figure in all the various cleaners and deodorizers). There are a number of benefits to hiring a professional carpet cleaning service instead.

Professional Cleaning Equipment

As compared with the steam cleaners that you can buy or rent, the units that professionals use have much more power and are able to remove tough stains and ground in dirt that the cheaper units cannot. This means you will get a much better result than you would have by trying to do it yourself.

Professional Vacuum Cleaners

Many people don't realize that before you steam clean a carpet, it needs to be very thoroughly vacuumed first. The average home vacuum cleaner simply can't provide the kind of suction necessary to get a carpet prepared for steam cleaning. In order to get the best possible results, professional steam cleaners use industrial strength vacuum cleaners to get to your carpet ready for the steam cleaning process.

Save Time and Effort

If you choose to clean the carpets in your home yourself, it's no small task. You're going to have to move furniture, vacuum the carpets, pretreat stubborn stains, fill and empty the tanks on the steam cleaner and finally return the equipment back to the location where you keep it (or back to the rental store). When you hire a professional carpet cleaning service, they can handle all of this for you.

Prevent Mold and Mildew

Many times, homeowners who are unfamiliar with carpet cleaning and who rent or purchase low-quality equipment will end up failing to get up all the moisture from the carpet. This can result in the growth of mold and mildew, threatening your family's health and the integrity of your carpet. A professional will have the equipment and experience to avoid over-saturating your carpet.

Knowledge of Carpets

It's unlikely that you as a homeowner will have the knowledge of carpets and the experience with cleaning them that a professional carpet cleaning service like Doug's Rug Spa would have. The technician who cleans your carpet will have in-depth knowledge about the various types of carpets on the market. This professional will be able to provide the optimal cleaning products and methods for your specific carpet.
